The Common Sense Option

Is a slow SQL Server killing your business and driving you crazy?  Usually there are no cheap options to fix: either hire an expensive consultant or buy a faster server.  Each of these options costs thousands of dollars and will take at least a couple of weeks to implement – and you don’t have that long.

If you haven’t had a DBA review your system in a while, or ever, then there’s a very good chance that the problem can be solved quickly and inexpensively.


The Industry’s Dirty Little Secret

SQL Server performance and tuning is somewhat of a black art and can be tremendously complex.  Trained performance and tuning DBAs are highly skilled and can make $150-200 per hour and are worth every penny.

However, many companies have SQL performance problems which can be solved very quickly by trained technicians, especially if they don’t have a DBA on staff proficient in performance and tuning.  The consultant isn’t going to tell you he’s quickly identified your problem, when he’s reserved three days for you and has turned down other customers.  He’ll fix it, but also take his time and produce an incomprehensible 472 page diagnostics report in the process for you to review.

It’s very common for a small company to be successful and their data volumes grow as a result, and then start having database performance problems.  However they aren’t at the size yet to afford a DBA and consultants are prohibitively expensive.  Developers will want a new server, or move to the cloud or Oracle or Hadoop, or whatever the sexiest technology is at the moment – when the database just needs simple tuning.

Results Not Reports

If your business is under pain due to a slow database, the last thing you want is a comprehensive report showing you the cause of the problems.  You need it fixed – now!

If your database hasn’t had DBA attention and has recently run into performance problems, there’s a good chance we can help and help quickly.  We will won’t bore you with reports, just help you get results.  And if we can’t, we will issue a full refund with no hassle.